Conference Coverage by CNS Correspondents

CNS Correspondents provide issue-focussed coverage from health and development conferences/ meetings or events happening around the world, especially in Asian and African region. 

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Want CNS Correspondents to cover your conference?

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Forthcoming conferences where CNS will provide coverage

Beijing+30 Asia Pacific Ministerial Review and CSO Forum, Bangkok, Thailand: 17-21 November 2024

2024 Union World Conference on Lung Health, Bali, Indonesia: 12-16 November 2024

2024 International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Research For Prevention, Lima, Peru: 6-10 October 2024

79th United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (UNGA HLM on AMR), New York, USA: 26 September 2024

2024 Global Strategy Meeting (GSM) of International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) in Chiang Mai, Thailand: 16-20 September 2024

Past conferences covered by CNS Correspondents:

4th Asia Pacific Feminist Forum (APFF 2024), Chiang Mai, Thailand: 12-14 September 2024

South Asia Media Workshop to prevent Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Kathmandu, Nepal: 7 August 2024

25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024), Munich, Germany: 21-26 July 2024

United Against TB: Accelerated Action Towards Achieving SDG on TB, Goa, India: 15-17 May 2024

Multistakeholder Conference to Find All TB, Goa, India: 2-4 November 2023

* Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2023), USA: February 2023 

* 2023 Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development and People's Forum, Thailand: March 2023

2023 International AIDS Society's HIV Science Congress (IAS 2023), Brisbane, Australia: 23-26 July 2023

* 7th Asia Pacific Summit of Mayors (APCAT 2022), Bali, Indonesia: December 2022

* International Conference on Family Planning, Pattaya, Thailand: November 2022

* Asia Pacific Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, UN, Thailand: September 2022

* International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022), Montreal, Canada: July-August 2022 

* 13th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON), Hyderabad, India: April 2022

* 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, October 2021

* Peasants' Rise Up 2021, Asian Peasants Coalition, PANAP and CNS: May-July 2021
* 51st Union World Conference on Lung Health, Spain (virtual)
* 20th ICASA (International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa), Kigali, Rwanda: December 2019

* 12th ASICON 2019 (12th National Conference of AIDS Society of India), Chennai, India: November 2019

* 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Hyderabad, India: October 2019

* Fourth Summit of Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Tobacco Control and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (AP-CAT), Indonesia: September 2019

* International Solidarity Conference on the Rights of Climate Migrants, Philippines: September 2019
* 10th International Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019), Mexico: July 2019

* 1st Senior Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-ooperation (GPEDC), around High Level Political Forum, United Nations, NY: July 2019

* Third Summit of Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Tobacco Control and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (AP-CAT), Singapore: 4-6 December 2018

* 4th People's Health Assembly, Dhaka, Bangladesh: 15-19 November 2018

* International Conference on Family Planning, Kigali, Rwanda: November 2018

National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2018), Bengaluru October 2018

* 49th World Conference on Lung Health, The Hague, Netherlands: October 2018

* HIV Research for Prevention, Madrid, Spain: October 2018

* Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC): Geneva October 2018

* People's Forum on Business and Human Rights, Manila Philippines: September 2018

* The 12th Asia Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health, Bali, Indonesia: September 2018

* UN High Level Meetings at UN General Assembly on TB, NCDs, Nuclear Disarmament, New York: September 2018

* 24th National Conference on Environmental Sciences and Respiratory Diseases (NESCON 2018), Mumbai, India: 24-26 August 2018

* Global Strategy Meeting for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Durban, South Africa: 22-25 July 2018

* 1st Malaria World Congress, Melbourne, Australia: 1-5 July 2018

* STEMI India 2018 (ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction): 30 June - 1 July 2018

* Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD), Thailand: March 2018

* People's Forum on Sustainable Development in Asia Pacific, Thailand: March 2018

* Global Forum on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), UAE: December 2017

* World Congress on Diabetes, UAE: December 2017

* Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (APCRSHR), Viet Nam: November 2017

* WHO Global Ministerial Conference: Inter-sectoral response to end TB in sustainable development era, Russia: November 2017

* 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Mexico: October 2017

* National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2017), India: October 2017

* Asia Pacific Feminist Forum (APFF), Thailand: September 2017

* IndiaVsTB: TB Free India Summit (parliamentarians, filmstars, among others), Dharamshala: April 2017

* Breaking Ground, Taking Roots: Istanbul Principles @7, Thailand: April 2017

* Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development, Thailand: March 2017

* Asia Pacific Civil Society Forum on Sustainable Development, Thailand: March 2017

* Global Strategy Meeting of ESCR-Net, Argentina: November 2016

* 7th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO FCTC, India: November 2016
 * 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Liverpool, UK: October 2016

* 9th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2016), Mumbai, India: October 2016

* Asia Pacific Conference on Economic Implications of Ageing, Hanoi, Viet Nam: September 2016

* XXI International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016), Durban, South Africa: 18-22 July 2016

* International TB Conference, Durban, South Africa: 16-17 July 2016

* World No Tobacco Day 2016

* Asia Pacific Conference on Lung Cancer, Chiang Mai, Thailand: May 2016

* Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD): April 2016

* 70th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (NATCON), Lucknow, India: 19-21 February 2016

* International Conference on Family Planning, Indonesia: 25-28 January 2016

* 46th World Conference on Lung Health, Cape Town, South Africa: December 2015

* First Global TB and Diabetes Summit, Indonesia: November 2015

* AIDS Society of India's National Conference: October 2015

* People's Forum on Human Rights and Business (ESCR-Net), Kenya: October 2015

* Asia Pacific Workshop on Pictorial Warnings on Tobacco Products, Bali, Indonesia: September 2015

* National Conference on Reproductive Health Challenges, Jaipur: September 2015

* UN General Assembly, New York: September 2015

* 5th Union Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Lung Health, Sydney, Australia: 31 August-2 September 2015

* Asia Pacific Consultations on Post 2015 Development Agenda, Thailand: May-June 2015

* 16th Union World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), Abu Dhabi, UAE: March 2015

* 3rd National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH), Mumbai, India: December 2014

* Civil Society Forum around Bejing+20, Thailand: November 2014

* 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Spain: October 2014

* HIV Research for Prevention (HIV R4P), Cape Town, South Africa: October 2014

* 6th Conference of the Parties of the WHO FCTC, Moscow: October 2014
 * 22nd Cochrane Colloquium, Hyderabad, India: September 2014
* XX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014), Australia: July 2014 

* 6th NESCON, June 2014

* 2nd Asia Pacific Feminist Forum, Chiang Mai, Thailand: May 29 - June 1, 2014

* World Conference of Cardiology, Australia: May 2014

* International Conference on Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV, ICMR: April 2014

* Treatment@10, ten years of ART roll out in India: April 2014 

* Diabetic Foot International Conference, USA: March 2014

 * 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (7th APCRSHR), Manila, Philippines: January 2014

* 5th National Workshop on Diabetic Foot Care, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, India: March 2014

* 6th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2013), Mumbai: December 2013

* 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP), Bangkok, Thailand: November 2013

* Women4GF, Thailand: November 2013

* Falling Walls, Berlin, Germany: November 2013

* People's Forum, Thailand: November 2013

* 44th Union World Conference on Lung  Health, Paris, France: October 2013

* Women4GF, Paris: October 2013

* International Conference on Public Health Priorities: September 2013

* Launch of GeneXpert MTB/RIF in Myanmar by UNITAID: September 2013

* Consultation on Participatory Governance in the Context of the Post 2015 Development Agenda for the Asian Region, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 18-19 July 2013

* 8th World Conference of Science Journalists, Helsinki, Finland: 24-28 June 2013

* 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 30 June-3 July 2013

* Women Deliver 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 27-30 May 2013

* 4th Union Asia Pacific Region Conference on Lung Health, Hanoi, Viet Nam: 9-13 April 2013

* Consultation on Clinical and Programmatic Guidance on Standard Days Method (SDM), 5 April 2013

* Western Regional Consultation of Partnership for TB Care and Control in India, Indore: 5-6 March 2013

* Panel Discussion on challenges in TB Diagnostics: January 2013

* National Consultation of Partnership for TB Care and Control in India: January 2013

* ICMR Symposium on Multiple Prevention Technologies (MPTs), December 2012

* World Breastfeeding Conference, New Delhi, India: 6-9 December 2012

* 6th Conference of Parties (COP) to WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), Seoul, South Korea: 11-17 November 2012

* Union World Conference on Lung Health, Malaysia: October 2012

* International Conference on AIDS Vaccines (AIDS Vaccine 2012), Boston, USA: 8-12 September 2012

XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), Washington DC, USA: 22-27 July 2012

* National Hijra Habba Consultation, New Delhi: June 2012

* International Microbicides Conference, Sydney, Australia: April 2012

* Meet on Pesticides and Poisoning, CMC Vellore, April 2012

* 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), Singapore: March 2012

Chennai ART Symposium (CART 2012), Chennai, India: 21-22 January 2012

* 25 Years of HIV In India: Chennai, 21 January 2012

International Science Symposium on HIV and Infectious Diseases, CISR, Chennai, India: 20-22 January 2012

* National Consultation on Hepatitis C and HIV treatment access, New Delhi, India

* Tuberculosis and Children seminar, 14 November 2011

* World Pneumonia Day coverage generated by seven CNS writers (October-November 2011)

* 42nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, Lille, France (23-30 October 2011)

* AIDS Vaccine 2011, Bangkok, Thailand (September 2011)

* 10th International AIDS Congress in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP), Busan, South Korea (24-31 August 2011)

*High level meeting on Cancer before UN Summit on NCDs, American Cancer Society, New York, USA (18-22 June 2011)

* Rights and Responsibilities Training Camp on tobacco control, RTI and citizen journalism (25-31 May 2011)

* Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), Kanpur, India (26-27 May 2011)

* UNDP's Leadership Development for Women and Girls Living with HIV (L4R), New Delhi, India (20 May 2011)

* Civil Society meeting with head of India's national TB programme, New Delhi, India (10 May 2011)

* Amrita Diabetic Foot Conference (ADFC 2011), Kochi, India (6-7 May 2011)

The Revival of the WTO: The Role of India and the Developing Economies in the Current Doha Round, New Delhi, India (30 April 2011)

* Global Health Metrics and Evaluation Conference: Controversies, Innovation, Accountability, Seattle, Washington, USA (14-16 March 2011)

* Meet on importance of addressing TB in context of women's health, New Delhi, India (8th March 2011)

* Region's first Ano-Rectal Problems Revisited Workshop, Lucknow, India (6th March 2011)

* Launch of DiSHAA by National Diabetes, Obesity, and Cholesterol Foundation (N-DOC), Diabetes Foundation (India) and Emcure, Pune, India (5 March 2011)

* Panchayati Raj Sammelan, Lucknow, India (20 February 2011)

The Global Commission on HIV and the Law, Bangkok, Thailand (16 February 2011)

* Annual TB Vaccine Research Meeting of TBVI, Switzerland (February 2011)

* International Conference on Emerging Frontiers and Challenges in HIV/AIDS Research, National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Mumbai, India (5-8 February 2011)

* Achievements, Challenges and Future Road-map of Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) India, Hyderabad, India (25 January 2011)

* Chennai ART Symposium (CART 2011), Chennai, India (8-9 January 2011)

* Asia to Gaza Caravan (India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Syria-Egypt-Gaza), December - January 2010

* 70th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India (ASICON), New Delhi, India (15-20 December 2010)
* International Symposium on TB Diagnostics: Innovating to Make an Impact (ITBS 2010) New Delhi, India (16-17 December 2010)
* Irish Forum for Global Health (IFGH) Biennial Conference, Ireland (29-30 November 2010)
* Conference of Parties (COP4) for WHO FCTC, Punta del Este, Uruguay (15-20 November 2010)
* First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Montreux, Switzerland (16-19 November 2010)
* 41st Union World Conference on Lung Health, Berlin, Germany (11-15 November 2010)
* 2nd Global Forum on TB Vaccines, Tallinn, Estonia (21-24 September 2010)
* Open Forum 4: on key issues in TB drug development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (18-19 August 2010)
* XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria (July 2010)
* "Research and development of new TB vaccines" Symposium, Zaragoza, Spain (3-4 June 2010)

* India Pakistan Peace Caravan, August 2010

* National Consultation on Microbicides, ICMR, New Delhi, India - August 2010

* 1st National Symposium of MSI, National Institute of Immunology (NII), ICMR, Delhi, India – February 2010

* International Microbicides Conference, Pittsburgh, USA: May 2010

* National Tobacco Control Conference, Mumbai, India – September 2010

* National Podiatry meet on diabetic foot, ASI, IPA, Kanpur, India 2010

* UNDP High Level Dialogue (HLM) on punitive laws and HIV prevention among MSM and transgender, Hong Kong, May 2010

* Women Deliver 2010, New York, USA (June)

* Symposium on Trans Fatty Acids (TFA), New Delhi, India (April 2010)

* National Consultation on Transgender people, Kolkata, India (March 2010)

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