Resume dialogue between India and Pakistan
We believe that the resumption of dialogue process between Indian and Pakistani governments is crucial in resolving issues that threaten peace.
To maintain peace between the two nations, it is important to strengthen democracy in Pakistan and support the democratically elected government so that it can effectively control terrorist forces.
It is vital to take proper action against terrorist forces in both nations. Pakistan should take stern action against the terrorism strikes that have occurred in India.
Recently an Indian peace delegation that went to Pakistan had found that there was an agreement for a full and transparent investigation of the Mumbai terror attacks along with speedy conviction of the guilty. This was matched by a strong desire for peace with India particularly as the Pakistani themselves are facing terrorist attacks all over their country.
The delegation stressed that this would be attainable provided that action by the Pakistan government was taken to its "logical conclusion". The Taliban and extremist groups have spread their hold over the SWAT and FATA areas. Pakistanis now are very concerned that they will move further in to the heartland of Pakistan and eventually pose a real danger to India too.
There was an agreement that terrorism is a common danger and that both India and Pakistan need to work together to contain this increasing threat.
We also condemn the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team players in Pakistan.
In these troubled times, it is all the more compelling to maintain peace and harmony in South Asian region by strengthening the movement for nuclear disarmament and visa-free south Asia.
The terrorist forces are attempting to derail us from restoring peace and normalcy between the two nations and we should refrain from becoming influenced by their ill-intentions.
We extend our support to all those forces that are committed to establishing and strengthening democracy, peace and harmony in the South Asian region.
Karamat Ali (PILER), Dr Sandeep Pandey (Magsaysay Awardee 2002), Mohammad Wasi Siddiqui, Arundhati Dhuru (National Alliance of People's Movements - NAPM), Irfan Ahmed (Pakistan India People's Forum for Peace and Democracy - PIPFPD, UP Chapter)
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