The three-days surgeons' conclave - 35th annual conference of Association of Surgeons of India (ASI), UP Chapter, (UPASICON 2009) entered its third day on Sunday, 8 November 2009. UPASICON 2009 is being organized by Department of Surgery (General), CSMMU in collaboration with Society of Endoscopic, Laparoscopy Surgeons of India (SELSI), UP, under the leadership of ASI-UP President-elect and UPASICON 2009 Chairman Professor (Dr) Rama Kant, Secretary Dr HS Pahwa, and Joint-Secretary Dr Suresh Kumar.
The last day of the Conference saw the presentation of more Video Workshops and very informative guest lectures. It gave an opportunity to the participating surgeons to interact directly with noted experts, to understand the various aspects of laparoscopic and open surgical procedures.
Prof Dr E Fukuma (Japan) a pioneer in the field of endoscopic breast surgery and cryosurgery, gave an insight on hybrid skills with such surgeries for breast cancer. This lecture ably augmented his Video Presentation on Oncoplastic Breast Surgery With Endo videoscopic Approach, given yesterday.
In keeping with his passionate involvement of management of trauma, Dr Mohammad Zubair Ansari from Sandville Hospital, Birmingham, UK, spoke on ATLS – Advance Trauma and Life Support. He also conducted a trauma workshop for surgeons.
Other informative lectures enlightened the medical fraternity about the Mess Created By Hernia Meshes, Cost Effective Laser Ablation of Varicose Veins Treatment, Management of Urinary Tract Obstruction in Children, Management of Acute Pancreatitis and treatment of male infertility.
Dr S.K.Mishra of Kanpur gave a video presentation on ‘Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, while ‘Points of Technique of Radical Cholecystectomy’ were discussed by Dr Sonkar.
While Dr Kureel taught the audience How To Do A Proper Colostomy, Dr Rawal of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Research Institute presented techniques of various permanent Urinary Diversions.
Dr Anant Kumar of Apollo Hospital, gave a video presentation on ‘Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy’.
The curtains were drawn on the conference with the Valedictory Function.
UPASICON 2009 more than succeeded in its aim to provide an excellent platform for all practicing surgeons of various streams (gynaecologists, paedriatic surgeons, gastro-surgeons, urologists) interested in advanced laparoscopic procedures; as well as surgeons and residents aspiring for trauma care – a vital component of medical education.
Shobha Shukla
(The author is the Editor of Citizen News Service (CNS), has worked earlier with State Planning Institute, UP, and teaches Physics at India's prestigious Loreto Convent. Email:, website:
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