The year 2011 has seen the most significant attempts to revive the World Trade Organization (WTO) in recent times, with the stated objective of member countries to conclude the Doha round before the end of the year. At this juncture, developing countries like India need to take stock of the situation so that key concerns are taken into account. It is assumed that free trade and the removal of regulations on investment will result in economic growth, reducing poverty and generating employment opportunities. However, past evidences show that these kinds of agreements allow transnational corporations more freedom to exploit workers rather than help them. By removing all restrictions on businesses, it severely affects the lives of the common people.
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Two-third deaths due to non-communicable diseases: Tobacco control urgent priority
Eat healthy to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
The first WHO Global status report on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) launched on 27th April, confirms that NCDs are the leading killer today, with 36.1 million people dying from heart disease, strokes, chronic lung diseases, cancers and diabetes in 2008. In other words, NCDs killed 63% of people who died worldwide in 2008. Nearly 80% of these deaths (equivalent to 29 million people) occurred in low- and middle-income countries, dispelling the myth that such conditions are mainly a problem of affluent societies. Without any serious action, the NCD epidemic is projected to kill 52 million people annually by 2030. The report forms a key component of the 2008-2013 Action Plan, which was endorsed by the 2008 World Health Assembly for the implementation of the WHO Global Strategy on the Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases.
Mounting pressure on India to ban Endosulfan

Global Fund Consultation: Topic 1: Lives Saved

Increasing the number of lives saved, impact and value for money
Guiding Question
Thinking about what it funds and the way funding is currently provided, what should the Global Fund do more of – or less of – in order to maximize value for money and increase the number of lives saved and infections prevented?
Chernobyl Day: India should stop its nuclear programme and conduct scrutiny

Anti-malarial drug resistance a major challenge: World Malaria Day (25 April)
[हिंदी] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), anti-malarial drug resistance is a major public health problem which hinders the control of malaria. Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to choloroquine, the cheapest and the most used drug, is spreading in almost all the endemic countries. Resistance to the combination of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine which was already present in South America and in South-East Asia is now emerging in East Africa.
5% infertility cases had TB but up to 45% got anti-TB treatment
Although evidence of tuberculosis (TB) is seen in less than 5 per cent of infertility cases, up to 45 per cent of infertility cases are put on anti-TB treatment without any confirmatory test, said a news published in the The Times of India. This puts women who might not have TB at high risk of developing anti-TB drug resistance. This is an enormous concern for a country like India which is home to one of the world's largest number of people with anti-TB drug resistance. Genital TB is a major cause of tubal infertility but how far is giving anti-TB treatment without confirmatory tests justified?
Corrupt people shaken with real possibility of Lokpal Bill
The unearthing of alleged misconduct by Shri Shanti Bhushan in flat allotments in Noida, undervaluation of property in Allahabad, and his alleged conversation with certain politicians, together with willful targeting of his son, Shri Prashant Bhushan suggests that there are vested interests that are unhappy that a Lokpal Bill, that can really make a dent on corruption, may be prepared especially with both father and son in the Joint Drafting Committee.
Students write RTI applications: Pledge never to give or take bribe
Magsaysay Awardee Dr Sandeep Pandey taught students how to write applications under the Right To Information (RTI) Act, 2005, to fight corruption, and to increase accountability and transparency. He also appealed to the students to take a pledge never to give or take bribe. Grow up as responsible and honest citizens, said Dr Sandeep Pandey. The students gave Dr Pandey examples of corruption they see or have heard of in their lives. Giving donation for admission in educational institutions, giving a bribe to police agencies, schools forcing students to buy books from a particular shop or publisher, were some of the corruption examples students told Dr Pandey. Dr Sandeep Pandey was interacting with the students of Rani Laxmi Bai (RLB) Inter College, Sector 14, Indira Nagar, Lucknow.
Growing up tobacco-free, healthy and honest
[हिंदी] [Photo] According to The Lancet (April 2011), the underlying causes of many non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are shared and modifiable risk factors: tobacco use, foods high in saturated and trans-fats, salt, and sugar (especially in sweetened drinks), physical inactivity, and the harmful consumption of alcohol. These cause more than two-thirds of all new cases of NCDs and increase the risk of complications in people with NCDs. Tobacco use alone accounts for one in six of all deaths resulting from NCDs. So to stay healthy, discussants made an appeal to about 1000 students at Rani Laxmi Bai Inter College, Sector 14, Indira Nagar, Lucknow, to live a healthy lifestyle - and - neither give bribe or take bribe - for a healthy society.
Politicians must stop opposing the Lokpal Bill: NAPM and LRM
[हिंदी] The National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) UP and Lok Rajniti Manch (LRM) have issued a statement demanding that the politicians must stop opposing the Lokpal Bill which will check corruption, increase accountability in governance, and can change the character of politics in India. "Since the day decision was taken to form a committee for drafting the Lokpal bill, its civil society members are under attack from some quarters. On the face of it they are politicians but strong business-bureaucrat lobby could be fully supporting it from behind the scenes" said Dr Sandeep Pandey, Magsaysay Awardee and member, national presidium, Lok Rajniti Manch.
Smokeless tobacco kills just like cigarettes and beedis
[हिंदी] Smokeless tobacco (Gutkha, Khaini, and other forms of smokeless tobacco use) also causes life-threatening diseases, disabilities and deaths – just like the smoking forms of tobacco (cigarettes, beedis), said Professor (Dr) Rama Kant, President-elect of Association of Surgeons of India (ASI) 2012 and World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General’s Awardee 2005. Prof (Dr) Rama Kant was the chief guest at Daffodils Convent Inter College, D-block Indira Nagar in a seminar on "Grow Without Tobacco" theme.
Don't neglect your oral health and hygiene: Dr Shivani Sharma

Spring Dale College: Choose life, not tobacco
Rethink the development paradigm on Earth Day (22 April)

Saffron War: Yogi's politics is dangerous for India
Photo credit: Rajeev Yadav |
[हिंदी] The documentary film, "Saffron War: A War Against Nation", showcases how dangerous Hindu fundamentalist forces can be to the values upheld in Indian constitution. Not only Gorakhpur, but entire eastern Uttar Pradesh (UP) is under the tight terrorising grip of fundamentalism in the name of God! The film was screened at the UP Press Club in Lucknow on 16th April 2011 which documents how Yogi Aditya Nath, a Member of Parliament (MP) from Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), uses aggressive religious fanaticism to not only have a tight hold over entire eastern UP but also has changed the character of 'Gorakhnath Peeth'.
Minister misses both the points on gender and sexuality
Appeal to World Health Organization (WHO) to support Dr Binayak Sen

IDF Advocates Rights Of People Living With Diabetes
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has launched the first ever International Charter of Rights and Responsibilities of People with Diabetes setting out the fundamental rights of more than 300 million people living with diabetes. Publication of this Charter comes at a crucial time, when diabetes seems to be affecting most of us in some way or the other--people with or at risk of diabetes, healthcare providers, employers concerned about employee wellness and health costs, governments trying to balance increasing demands with a limited budget or just an individual concerned about the health of future generations.
Young people should not begin tobacco use: Grow without tobacco

Tobacco use by film-stars sends a wrong signal for youth
Super-star of Indian film industry Shahrukh Khan was again reported to smoke in a no-smoking zone at a night club (Source: The Hindustan Times, 13 April 2011). The HT news reported: "Actor Shah Rukh Khan was caught lighting a cigarette in a no-smoking zone at the nightclub, LAP... posted a picture of the actor taking a puff with buddy Arjun Rampal right next to the DJ console, where smoking is prohibited."
'Building capacity, redressing neglect' on harm reduction
The 22nd International Harm Reduction Conference took place in Beirut Lebanon during April 3-7, in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region where it faces diverse and rapidly changing patterns of drug, tobacco and alcohol use. Despite to the fact that harm reduction has been adopted in policy and practice in more countries than ever before, however significant gaps remain in the response, also there are lack of coverage on harm reduction programmes and the capacity of civil society to respond to harm reduction issues, remain low in much of the world, therefore, 'Building capacity, redressing neglect' has become the theme of this annual international conference.
What Are You Scared Of Mr Minister?
Social activist Anna Hazare,, whose last week's fast forced the Centre to form a joint committee to draft the Lokpal Bill, expressed his displeasure on Communications and HRD Minister Kapil Sibal’s misgivings about the beneficial scope of the Lokpal Bill. Mr. Sibal had reportedly said that the Bill was not a one-stop solution for everything, and would not be able to solve problems related to education, health or civic issues.
RTI activist released when 100,000 people came out in support

Well Begun! Do Not Let It Remain Half done!
We Indians seem to be marching on the road to victory. Close to the heels of winning the World Cup, Anna Hazare lofted a hefty six, (as displayed prominently on a cover page poster picture of Times of India), making the government accede to the demands of civil society. This could just be the beginning of the call for an effective anti corruption ombudsman for the country, although Parliamentary approval of the people’s will may not be as easy as is being thought of.
Time for a wider political reform and struggle: NAPM
Wake up call for women with diabetes

Citizens' vote for change: Zero tolerance for corruption
Citizens indeed see a ray of hope in the campaign led by Anna Hazare to stem corruption. Never before I had seen hundreds of citizens in Lucknow marching to Hazratganj with a candle lit in their hands and hope beaming in their hearts - to stop corruption. The fight against corruption got unprecedented support on the 4th day since Anna Hazare sat on a fast-unto-death in New Delhi. Three Lucknow citizens are also on an indefinite fast since 5th April - Akhilesh Saxena, Munna Lal Shukla and Indu Singh.
Vending 'off' Bangalore's streets
It was around 10.00 am on Thursday, the 7th of April 2011. Over 400 street vendors from across Bangalore, under the banner of Beedhi Vyapparigala Hakkotaya Andolana (Street Vendors' Rights Campaign), began an indefinite sit-in at the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) Head Office demanding restoration of their trading space. They camped overnight at the BBMP compound resolute not to stir until their needs were met. At present, 250 hawkers do not have a source of livelihood since they were evicted ten months ago on July 07, 2010 by the BBMP and the police department without any legal notice.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs): Key concern for women's health
Vibrant people's campaign against corruption

NAPM extends solidarity to Anna Hazare's campaign against corruption
NAPM extends solidarity to Anna Hazare and others fasting, rooting out corporate corruption and demands nationwide consultation on important legislations
Shri Anna Hazare's indefinite fast and thousands others fasting across the country with a demand for enactment of an independent and stronger Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta enters third day today. NAPM has extended its support to the demand since beginning of the movement and from 5th April
organised rallies, morchas, solidarity fasts, public meetings and other such programmes in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Lucknow, Unao, Itawah, Muzaffarnagar, Delhi and many other places across the country. NAPM reiterate its support, and even as the movement gains steam, pledges to intensify our agitation.
Shri Anna Hazare's indefinite fast and thousands others fasting across the country with a demand for enactment of an independent and stronger Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta enters third day today. NAPM has extended its support to the demand since beginning of the movement and from 5th April
organised rallies, morchas, solidarity fasts, public meetings and other such programmes in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Lucknow, Unao, Itawah, Muzaffarnagar, Delhi and many other places across the country. NAPM reiterate its support, and even as the movement gains steam, pledges to intensify our agitation.
Emerging global mandate to save 36 million lives from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
According to The Lancet, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mainly heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancers, and chronic respiratory disease, are responsible for two out of every three deaths worldwide and the toll is rising. A landmark global alliance between leading scientists and four of the world's largest NGOs brings together evidence from a 5-year collaboration with almost 100 of the world's best NCD experts and proposes a short-list of five priority interventions to tackle the increasing global crisis. Reducing tobacco and salt use, improving diets and physical activity, reducing hazardous alcohol intake, and achieving universal access to essential drugs and technologies have been chosen for their health effects, cost-effectiveness, low costs of implementation, and political and financial feasibility.
Historic support to Anna Hazare and Jan Lokpal Bill
Mounting pressure on India to enforce Jan Lokpal Bill
Seldom does one see thousands mobilized in over 200 cities across the country to check corruption. Anna Hazare, veteran social activist and Padmabhushan and Padmashree Awardee, is on a fast-unto-death since 5th April to demand a strong, loopholes-less and effective parliamentary Act (Jan Lokpal Bill) to check corruption in India. Since 42 years, the government of India is sitting like a lame duck on a weakened and diluted Lokpal Bill. But Anna Hazare's growing support across the nation has sent the message clear: India wants a strong 'Jan' (people) Lokpal Bill - and civil society is making clear recommendations on how to achieve that from the already pending (but appallingly diluted) Lokpal Bill.
In The Pursuit Of Healthy Happiness
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Photo credit: Italian writer Mario Biondi Slogan about gross national happiness on a wall in the School of Traditional Arts in Thimphu, Bhutan |
Since times immemorial, the human race has sought health, happiness and wealth —not necessarily in that order. Wars have been fought and lives have been lost due to the overwhelming desire of possessing them. These three basic ingredients are thought to be essential for a meaningful life. Ironically, in our crazy race for securing 'happiness and health', we at times are actually moving away from it. Life has become so hectic and busy that it is taking its toll on our health and wellbeing. More and more people seem to be suffering from a host of health related problems, courtesy different types of stresses of everyday life, which are more often self created.
World Health Day: Coordinated approach needed to overcome anti-TB drug resistance

Some 440,000 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are identified each year, causing at least 150,000 deaths from a disease that should be curable. Extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), which has an even higher fatality rate, has now been reported in 69 countries. "Drug-resistant TB is the end result of a number of different failures, each of which, on its own, is solvable with existing tools. To address all of the issues and stop the spread of this disease requires a comprehensive, multi-pronged strategy, such as The Union has developed", says Dr Nils E Billo, Executive Director of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).
CII Woman Exemplar Award 2011 to a UP woman farmer

Hope floats for children in schools of Raebareli
Neelam, 15 yrs, teaches at the village school Photo credit: Anjali Singh |
Anna Hazare on fast-unto-death against corruption
From 5th April 2011, noted social activist and Padmabhushan and Padmashree awardee Anna Hazare has begun his fast-unto-death in New Delhi to put pressure on the Government of India to root out corruption. Not only in Delhi, but in more than 200 cities across India, people have started a protest today in support of Anna Hazare. In Kanpur, senior social activist Mahesh Kumar Pandey is leading the agitation and in Lucknow, social activist and journalist Akhilesh Saxena is on fast-unto-death in support of Anna Hazare. The demand is clear: India needs a strong parliamentary Act (Jan Lokpal Bill) to stem corruption.
A Nation Goes Berserk
Yes the men in blue (or rather we, as one would believe) did it after 28 years, and perhaps in doing so absolved themselves of all the ills of the past –somewhat like taking a dip in the Ganges, which is said to absolve the Hindus of their sins (despite its high level of pollution). All Indians are indeed proud to be part of this momentous occasion. After coming to a standstill for a day (nay two), the nation paid a standing ovation to the men in blue. The victory of the World Cup belongs to each one of us, but so do the stark problems plaguing our country. Cricket has suddenly become synonymous with patriotism. Gautam Gambhir felt that the win against Pakistan was a win against terrorism and divisive forces. And as I write this piece, the TV channels are drawing a parallel between the winning of the World Cup and the defeat of Ravana at the hands of Sri Ram, centuries ago.
Stoking divisive feelings kills sporting spirit

70% of lower extremity amputations happen to people with diabetes
Lord Khalid Hameed: Connecting people with health, harmony and sports
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