Conveners of NAPM Medha Patkar, Bhupender Singh Rawat, Rajendra Ravi, Dr. Sunilam, Dr. Rakesh Rafiq, Faisal Khan; and Vivekanad Mathne (Maharashtra), Akshay Kumar (Orissa), Rajkumar Sinha (MP) from other associated organisations participated in the dharna at Jantar Mantar on 8th April 2011.
No Rift in the Agitation, NAPM Reiterates Support
Contrary to media reports in certain sections, Medha Patkar reiterated her support to the agitation and justified the demand for Jan Lokpal, she added, "demand for a joint committee is nothing new, it will only make the law making process more participatory in the country. We are not trying to undermine the sanctity of the Parliament and Constitution, any draft will finally have to be approved by the Cabinet and passed by the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. So, this is not extra constitutional. Perhaps it can pave the way for more progressive legislations in future and similar initiatives must be taken for the proposed land acquisition amendment Act and other Acts with far reaching legislations."
Time for Political Reforms and Wider Struggle
NAPM welcomes the larger upsurge in the country and coming out of the millions of people cutting across caste, religion, class and professional boundaries on the street in support of the demand for rooting out the corruption. The agitation has given a hope for wider political awakening in the country and hopefully the struggles against the corporate corruption, massive loot of natural resources and larger institutional corruption will gain strength from this. NAPM calls for a broader struggle against communalism, patriarchy and casteism in the society too.
We believe the energy generated from this agitation needs to be channelised and onus lies on the secular and democratic political forces of the country to mobilise it for a larger political reform in the country. Our movement have to beware of the communal forces and rabid nationalism in the name of the struggle and such tendencies need to be condemned.
Time for Governments to Act
UPA government must come out in public on this issue and clarify its stand on the corruption and so should the other political parties. It is time not for hiding under the technicalities but it's time for action and NAPM hopes government will respond positively to the demands of the movement.
Madhuresh Kumar and Anand Mazgaonkar
Published in:
Citizen News Service (CNS), India/Thailand
Elites TV News, USA
States Times, India, UK