This year's World No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2011 highlights the importance of efforts to implement the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) initiated by the World Health Organization. FCTC is the world's first international public health treaty, which aims for a tobacco free healthy global society. "173 countries are now Parties to the FCTC, and that is a major achievement for public health that was almost unimaginable a decade ago", says Dr Nils E Billo, Executive Director of International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).
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Invest In Health, Not In Tobacco
The World Health Organization (WHO) has selected "The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" as the theme of this year’s World No Tobacco Day, which will take place on Tuesday, 31 May 2011. On World No Tobacco Day 2011, and throughout the following year, WHO will urge countries to put the treaty at the heart of their efforts to control the global epidemic of tobacco use.
Better Late Than Never: Green signal to new stronger pictorial warnings on tobacco products
Although 1.5 years late in India - pictorial warnings on tobacco products will be rotated as per law
This old adage aptly describes the Indian government order to change the existing pictorial warnings on cigarette and tobacco packs. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued a gazette notification on 27.5.2011 ordering for the replacement of the existing mild pictorial warnings with more grotesque, scary and effective ones with effect from 1st December 2011. This much needed order has not come a day early, after several deferments due to lack of political will on one hand and intense lobbying by the tobacco industry on the other hand. The existing pictorial warnings had come into being on May 31, 2009. So it will be after close to two and a half years that they will be rotated and replaced by scarier pictures of cancerous mouths/cheeks of men and women and diseased lungs of a man as per the Cigarette and other Tobacco Products Act, 2003.
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New pictorial warnings: to be implemented by 1 Dec 2011 |
Women And The Industrial Sector
The Micro Small and Medium Industrial Enterprises (MSMEs) can be termed as a gender sensitive sector, as we have women entrepreneurs as well as women workers. This sector is a soft option for women as they generally have lower capital base and technical know- how. It also gives them more flexibility in terms of working from home and makes fewer demands on them by way of time, becuase women are time-poor as they have to look after their households too.
Implications of Free Trade Agreements for Micro, small and medium enterprises
India's policy on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) is bound to have significant impact on the country's economy in general, and in the manufacturing sector in particular. India is currently engaged in negotiating bilateral trade and investment agreements with several countries, having already signed FTAs with some of them. The latest in line, and also the most hotly debated, is the one it is negotiating with the European Union (EU). These cover not only trade of goods, but also trade in services, investments, intellectual property rights, and other issues like public procurement and competitive policy. It must be remembered that India's goods trade has not been up to the mark overall and with most of its FTA partners, India’s deficit in NAMA products (non agricultural market access) has increased steadily from Rs 414 billion in 2001-2000 to Rs 5420 billion in 2009-2010. With the exception of Singapore, India has a trade deficit (sometimes an increasing one) with most of its major FTA partners.
Story Of Three Positive Doughty Women: Down But Not Out
Their grit and determination affirms our faith in the power of womanhood. Fighting against all odds, they have risen like the Phoenix, and continue to rise high, taking others along with them, transforming lives. All three were part of the Leadership for Results (L4R) program launched by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with Positive Women Network (PWN+). Our salutes to them!
Promising TB vaccine candidate progresses to Phase I clinical trials
The MTBVAC01 vaccine candidate, developed to protect people against tuberculosis, will start Phase I clinical trials early in 2012. This was announced by the Spanish biopharmaceutical company Biofabri. The candidate was developed by the University of Zaragoza, Spain and is part of the international portfolio of TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI). Tuberculosis causes almost two million deaths per year.
Medha Patkar on fast since 5 days: Anna Hazare, Swami Agnivesh, GR Khairnar extend support
Photo credit: Joe Athialy |
'One man demolition army', G R Khairnar, who took cudgels against the land mafia and the builder lobby as then Deputy Commissioner (Special – Demolitions) between 2000 - 02 today joined Ghar Bhachao Ghar Banao Andolan's ongoing dharna in Ganesh Krupa Society, amidst the debris of broken houses by government authorities in collusion with Builder Lobby. He said, "the fight today led by Medha Patkar and this movement is an important fight. What he did as someone being in the authority is now being taken up by 'people's power'. This struggle needs support and everyone needs to join hand in this." Even as people lent support and they resolved to fight for their rights demolitions continued in Powai, Mankhurd, Worli, and a couple of other places.
[From CNS Archives] We Need A Lifetime Of No Tobacco, And Not Merely A Day
The World No Tobacco day is once again upon us to remind us politely that health is a concern of everyone. From personal physical fitness to the threats posed by growing global pandemics, all people share an interest in improving the well-being of themselves and others. Real, sincere and ongoing action is needed to achieve this, instead of mere rhetoric. The war against tobacco needs to be won, and not just fought, with renewed pledges; stricter legislation; innovative awareness programmes; and the will to succeed in curbing the menace of tobacco. Read more
From Breakdowns To Breakthroughs
The leadership and development programme for women and girls living with HIV in India
It was indeed an empowering experience for all of us women, and the few men, present at the Valedictory Session of the Leadership for Results (L4R) programme, where 17 undaunted, women living with HIV were lauded for their grit and determination on completion of this L4R training programme. Despite their HIV positive status, despite the trials and tribulations which all of them had faced, despite being disowned and discarded by their parents-in-law, there was no sign of gloom on their faces. Some bitterness, yes, but no resignation. They had successfully completed the L4R programme launched by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the first time in January 2011 in India, in partnership with the Positive Women's Network (PWN+).
It was indeed an empowering experience for all of us women, and the few men, present at the Valedictory Session of the Leadership for Results (L4R) programme, where 17 undaunted, women living with HIV were lauded for their grit and determination on completion of this L4R training programme. Despite their HIV positive status, despite the trials and tribulations which all of them had faced, despite being disowned and discarded by their parents-in-law, there was no sign of gloom on their faces. Some bitterness, yes, but no resignation. They had successfully completed the L4R programme launched by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the first time in January 2011 in India, in partnership with the Positive Women's Network (PWN+).
Medha Patkar continues her hunger strike on 3rd consecutive day
Photo credit: Joe Athialy |
Till the Golibar residents are not provided justice, till the governments does not take strong action against the land scam by Shivalik Ventures linked to 2G scam and does not permanently stop demolition at Golibar the hunger strike by Medha Patkar which has entered third consecutive day today will continue at Golibar, Khar (East), Mumbai. The UPA Government which has promised to fight corruption must take action against corruption at the ground level which has happen right here in Mumbai under its nose.
PEOPLE POWER: Antiretroviral (ARV) drug supply resumes in UP and Bihar
The 27 hours of sit-in against antiretroviral (ARV) drugs stock-out in UP and Bihar by people living with HIV (PLHIV) at the offices of National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) in New Delhi ended when ARV drug supplies were resumed. These ARV drugs were relocated from Gujarat and Delhi and India has no shortage of ARVs for coming couple of months. Fresh ARV supplies are expected within a month, said NACO.
Pressure from AIDS activists resumes ARV supply in UP
[हिंदी] Mounting pressure on India's AIDS control programme (formally called as National AIDS Control Organisation - NACO) from people living with HIV (PLHIV) who are staging a sit-in inside the NACO offices since Friday, 20 May 2011, yielded partial results when antiretroviral (ARV) drugs reached Gorakhpur and Allahabad antiretroviral therapy (ART) centres at 8:30am on Saturday, 21 May 2011. These ARV drugs have been relocated from Gujarat and Delhi, said Naresh Yadav, who leads the Uttar Pradesh Network of people living with HIV (UPNP+) and is participating in the demonstration and sit-in inside NACO offices in New Delhi. ARV supplies in Bihar might get restored by the evening of 21st May said Naresh Yadav.
Call to protect water and reject corporate conflicts of interest
Recent reports show UN Agencies increasingly beset by corporate influence, lacking oversight
As health experts gather in Geneva to attend the 64th World Health Assembly (WHA), global civil society organizations are calling on World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Dr. Margaret Chan to address widespread concerns about corporate conflicts of interest regarding global water governance, health and nutrition policy.
As health experts gather in Geneva to attend the 64th World Health Assembly (WHA), global civil society organizations are calling on World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Dr. Margaret Chan to address widespread concerns about corporate conflicts of interest regarding global water governance, health and nutrition policy.
Drug stock-outs in India's AIDS programme
Affects access and may lead to drug resistance
[हिंदी] The Delhi Network of Positive People (DNP+) is calling on the Health Ministry and National AIDS Control Organization’s (NACO) Director General to urgently address the issues of stock out of AIDS medicines in ART treatment centres in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Life-saving AIDS drugs aren’t reaching people living with HIV (PLHIV) in desperate need. According to the local PLHIV networks, there have been several stock outs of AIDS medicines between February and May 2011 at the Allahabad and Gorakhpur ART centres in Uttar Pradesh and Gaya, Bhagalpur, Darbhanga, Muzzafarpur, and Patna ART centres in Bihar. PLHIV networks estimate hundreds of PLHIVs may have been affected by the stock outs of AIDS medicines.
[हिंदी] The Delhi Network of Positive People (DNP+) is calling on the Health Ministry and National AIDS Control Organization’s (NACO) Director General to urgently address the issues of stock out of AIDS medicines in ART treatment centres in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Life-saving AIDS drugs aren’t reaching people living with HIV (PLHIV) in desperate need. According to the local PLHIV networks, there have been several stock outs of AIDS medicines between February and May 2011 at the Allahabad and Gorakhpur ART centres in Uttar Pradesh and Gaya, Bhagalpur, Darbhanga, Muzzafarpur, and Patna ART centres in Bihar. PLHIV networks estimate hundreds of PLHIVs may have been affected by the stock outs of AIDS medicines.
Dialogue around TB and TB-HIV co-infection in India
On 10th May 2011 the new incoming head of India's national TB programme (formally called Revised National TB Control Programme - RNTCP) met the civil society for an open, informal and participatory interaction on a range of TB-related issues. The RNTCP agreed to support and participate in a proposed national consultation on TB and HIV collaborative activities in India. Participants from the civil society raised several key issues.
Landmark meeting of civil society with head of India's TB Programme
[Issues raised by civil society] On 10th May 2011 the new incoming head of India's national TB programme (formally called Revised National TB Control Programme - RNTCP) met the civil society for an open, informal and participatory interaction on a range of TB-related issues. Dr Ashok Kumar, Deputy Director General, Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Dr KS Sachdeva, Chief Medical Officer, RNTCP attended this interface with a range of civil society representatives to have a dialogue on key issues that emerged on TB care and control in India.
AIDS Vaccine is possible
Approximately 7500 people newly infected with HIV every day. In this scenario, the development of an AIDS vaccine is one of the greatest challenges currently in medical research and no viral disease has ever been controlled without a vaccine. Health activists have expressed their concern for early access to effective HIV vaccine. For more than a decade, researchers and advocates have marked HIV Vaccine Awareness Day with varying degrees of hope, cynicism and despair. "Since 2009, in large part because of the results of the Thai Prime-Boost vaccine study, there is greater cause for hope than ever before and a renewed sense of urgency to transform this hope into a reality" said Jittima Jantanamalaka, Thailand.
IDAHO 2011: Mounting pressure against homophobia
International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) - 17 May
Last month in April, 2011, 66 Muslim schoolboys, aged between 13 and 17, in Malaysia (which is an emerging global economy) were picked out as being too effeminate by their teachers and sent to a special 4 days camp for counselling on masculine behaviour. Razali Daud, director of the education department of Terengganu, said "the boys would undergo physical education, attend religious classes and listen to talks by motivational speakers to guide them back to a proper path in life." While acknowledging that there were transvestites and homosexuals in Malaysia, he said efforts had to be made to keep the numbers down.
Last month in April, 2011, 66 Muslim schoolboys, aged between 13 and 17, in Malaysia (which is an emerging global economy) were picked out as being too effeminate by their teachers and sent to a special 4 days camp for counselling on masculine behaviour. Razali Daud, director of the education department of Terengganu, said "the boys would undergo physical education, attend religious classes and listen to talks by motivational speakers to guide them back to a proper path in life." While acknowledging that there were transvestites and homosexuals in Malaysia, he said efforts had to be made to keep the numbers down.
Act Now To Control Diabetes
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) launched its World Diabetes Day campaign 2011, on Monday, 16th May, with the slogan 'Act On Diabetes Now'. One of the poignant messages released by the Federation acknowledges that killing one person every eight seconds and four million per year, diabetes is the number one silent killer that can no longer be ignored.
Philosophy can be fun

Mohammed Arif and Mohammed Ali Vakil are two energetic brothers in their early thirties based in Bangalore, with a spark of creativity. Small wonder that have published a ninety five page English book titled 40 Sufi comics under the "Creative Commons Attribution No Derivative Works" licence. The Vakils' work was released on-line and in print in January 2011. One can read 40 Sufi Comics on the Internet or purchase it through Amazon and Flipkart. It contains short, simple and meaningful stories represented using black, white and grey illustrations drawn by them.
Treating HIV-infected People with Antiretrovirals Protects Partners from Infection

Men and women infected with HIV reduced the risk of transmitting the virus to their sexual partners by taking oral antiretroviral medicines when their immune systems were relatively healthy, according to findings from a large-scale clinical study sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.
There Is Nothing Honourable In Honour Killings...
They are nothing but barbaric and brutal murders by bigoted persons with feudal minds - So remarked a bench of Justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Misra of the Supreme Court of India.
"All persons who are planning to perpetrate 'honour killing' should know that the gallows await them," said the bench, after upholding the conviction and sentence of one Bhagwan Dass, who killed his daughter for deserting her husband and eloping with an uncle.
"All persons who are planning to perpetrate 'honour killing' should know that the gallows await them," said the bench, after upholding the conviction and sentence of one Bhagwan Dass, who killed his daughter for deserting her husband and eloping with an uncle.
Ignorance Is Not Bliss In Diabetes Treatment And Care
Today diabetes has overtaken HIV/AIDS, taking 3.2 million lives every year as compared to 3 million HIV related deaths. Together with other non-communicable diseases (NCD) it has replaced infectious diseases as the major cause of mortality in the world. India has the second highest incidence of diabetes in the world with over 47 million people in the country living with the disease, and the numbers are rising every day. Apart from affecting the metabolism of the body, diabetes also affects the eyes, heart and kidneys, and causes severe foot problems resulting in an estimated 50,000 lower limb amputations every year, which is likely to increase to 100,000 amputations in the near future. Thus diabetes impacts not only the quantity, but also the quality of life.
Million Message March to UN for right to health
Lessons from Japan

[From CNS Archives] Koodankulam must be a symbol of prosperity

When you hear of Koodankulam the image that conjures up is that of the nuclear power plant coming up there with Russian help. Two reactors which have been imported from Russia will have an installed capacity of 1000 MW each. No functioning reactor in India is so big. However, if you were to visit Koodankulam, what strikes you most is not the nuclear power plant so much but the hundreds of continuously rotating wind mills. Whereas the nuclear power plant is yet to be commissioned, the wind mills are already generating more than 2000 MW of power in Tamil Nadu.
Tobacco giant uses tactics to thwart tobacco control globally
Report: Philip Morris International's grabbing at straws
NEW YORK: As Philip Morris International (PMI) executives heralded the corporation's USD 27 billion revenues in 2010 at its annual shareholders' meeting, another not-so-welcome account of the corporation's activities was distributed to shareholders. Corporate Accountability International released a report called "Philip Morris International Exposed: Alternative Annual Report," documenting the human toll of PMI's profits and the range of tactics employed to grease the wheels for such earnings – tactics ranging from hiding behind front groups to litigation and intimidation of national governments.
NEW YORK: As Philip Morris International (PMI) executives heralded the corporation's USD 27 billion revenues in 2010 at its annual shareholders' meeting, another not-so-welcome account of the corporation's activities was distributed to shareholders. Corporate Accountability International released a report called "Philip Morris International Exposed: Alternative Annual Report," documenting the human toll of PMI's profits and the range of tactics employed to grease the wheels for such earnings – tactics ranging from hiding behind front groups to litigation and intimidation of national governments.
Igniting Young Minds To Fight Corruption
[हिंदी] 'Tobacco Control' and 'Fight Against Corruption' were the two burning issues-in-spotlight at a youth awareness programme organized by Citizens For Healthy Lucknow campaign, at ALS Academy in Lucknow. Noted social activist and Magsaysay Awardee, Dr Sandeep Pandey exhorted the students to fight corruption, by making full use of the tool of Right To Information (RTI) Act, 2005. He also appealed to the students to take a pledge to neither give nor take bribes.
Diabetic foot is a major public health challenge in India: Dr Arun Bal
[Photo] [Audio podcasts] Although estimates of people with diabetes in India are getting updated on an ongoing basis, there are at least 47 million people with diabetes in India. "That means we have 94 million feet to look after" said Dr Arun Bal, founder-President of Diabetic Foot Society of India (DFSI) and one of the legendary diabetic foot surgeons in the country, associated with Raheja Hospital, Fortis Hospital and Hinduja Hospital, besides being a visiting Professor at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth. "13.5 million feet will develop ulcers and 100,000 amputations will take place in India alone due to diabetic foot. Diabetic foot is a major public health problem in India" said Dr Bal.
The Curtain Falls On ADFC 2011

Judicious antibiotic use decides diabetic foot infection control

Interdisciplinary limb salvage team gives hope for people with diabetic foot

Your Leg Is a Mirror Of Your Body
(Based on an interview given exclusively to CNS by Dr KR Suresh, Director, Jain Institute of Vascular Sciences)
[Audio recording] Diabetes is a disease of the nerves and the blood vessels. Poor blood sugar control affects almost all organs of the body, but the worst sufferers are the feet, said Dr KR Suresh, Director, Jain Institute of Vascular Sciences, Bangalore, India, who spoke to CNS at the Amrita Diabetic Foot Conference (ADFC 2011), organized by Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (AIMS), Kochi, India (6-7 May 2011). The two main components of diabetes are blood vessel damage and nerve damage (neuropathy). Blockage of the blood vessels results in lack of blood supply. In the case of nerve damage, the patient may not know about it in the initial stages, especially in a country like India where people generally do not go for annual medical checkups, said Dr Suresh.
[Audio recording] Diabetes is a disease of the nerves and the blood vessels. Poor blood sugar control affects almost all organs of the body, but the worst sufferers are the feet, said Dr KR Suresh, Director, Jain Institute of Vascular Sciences, Bangalore, India, who spoke to CNS at the Amrita Diabetic Foot Conference (ADFC 2011), organized by Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (AIMS), Kochi, India (6-7 May 2011). The two main components of diabetes are blood vessel damage and nerve damage (neuropathy). Blockage of the blood vessels results in lack of blood supply. In the case of nerve damage, the patient may not know about it in the initial stages, especially in a country like India where people generally do not go for annual medical checkups, said Dr Suresh.
Human Body Is The Temple of God, So keep It Healthy
[Photo] [Audio podcasts] Thus spoke Swami Sampoojya Poornamritanandapuri, at the inaugural function of Amrita Diabetic Foot Conference (ADFC 2011), organized by Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (AIMS), Kochi, India (6-7 May 2011). In the words of Swamiji, 'we can reach a supreme state of bliss if we respect our body, as the human body is a temple in which God resides.' So we must refrain from insulting anybody and must respect everybody. It is important for all of us to keep our bodies healthy and pure as they are too precious to be neglected. This can be done by eating proper and pure food so that we remain fit to perform our duties towards society. Out of this respect arises the need to control diseases like diabetes.
TBVI partner Peter Andersen receives prestigious scientific prize

NACO meetings lack transparency and civil society participation
Make Private TB Drug Markets Responsible Partners Of The Public Sector
A study titled ‘Size and Usage Patterns of Private TB Markets in the High-Burden Countries’ was recently conducted by the TB Alliance and IMS Health (a healthcare market research and consulting-services firm) and published yesterday (4th May, 2011) in the journal PLoS ONE. It is the first of its kind detailed study which explores the private TB Drug Markets in 10 high TB burden countries, which carry 60% of the world’s TB burden (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Federation, South Africa, Thailand, and Viet Nam). According to this new study, the private TB drug market is surprisingly large and has irregular practices that could be driving treatment failures and contributing to emergence of multi drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), which is further worsening the TB epidemic.
Empowering young people with Right-to-Information (RTI)
Using Right To Information (RTI) Act in ensuring proper implementation of government policies including those in tobacco control was the issue-in-spotlight at Sherwood Academy, Sector-25, Indira Nagar, Lucknow. Magsaysay Awardee and noted social activist Dr Sandeep Pandey who was the Chief Guest, taught students how to write applications under the Right To Information (RTI) Act, 2005, to fight corruption, and to increase accountability and transparency. He also appealed to the students to take a pledge never to give or take bribe.
Tobacco Kills! Don't be duped!
[हिंदी] [Photo] Since majority of tobacco addiction takes root in young age, children and youth need to be informed of tobacco-related diseases, disabilities and deaths to make a wise choice and say no to tobacco, said Professor (Dr) Rama Kant, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General’s Awardee (2005), who was the Chief Guest at the Grow Without Tobacco theme discussion organized at Delhi Public School (DPS), in Sector-19, Indira Nagar, Lucknow.
Prevention Of Major Amputations In Diabetic Lower Limb Wounds
This is the theme of the 'Amrita Diabetic Foot Conference 2011', which is being organized by the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetic lower limb and Podiatric Surgery, Amrita Institute Of Medical Sciences And Research Centre, (AIMS) Kochi, Kerala, on 6th and 7th May 2011. Renowned podiatric surgeons and endocrinologists from India, Australia and the United States are expected to take part in the two days deliberations and share their expertise and latest techniques in the field of surgical & medical management of Diabetic foot.
Doha Talks Sound The Death Knell Of Industrial Development
The Centre for Trade and Development (Centad) and Third World Network (TWN), in collaboration with Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS), recently organized a very lively and informative workshop to discuss the current undercurrents of the Doha talk. The workshop was ably facilitated by eminent personalities—notably Mr Martin Khor, (a Malaysian economist, activist and journalist all rolled into one) Executive Director, South Centre Geneva, S Narayanan, former ambassador to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Sanya Reid Smith, Legal Advisor TWN, and other experts from various fields.
Asthma Drug Facility: practical solution for one of world's major NCDs
The theme of World Asthma Day 2011 on 3 May 2011, again highlights "you can control your asthma", but, according to the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), control of asthma remains a distant goal for patients in low- and middle- income countries, where the low availability and the prohibitive cost of asthma inhalers are still major barriers for proper asthma care. That's why The Union established the Asthma Drug Facility (ADF), a project that has demonstrated that these barriers can be overcome.
Lokpal Bill anti-graft crusaders consult Lucknow citizens

Weak laws encourage child abusers

Killing the future: Hunger deaths among children
In a small village in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh state, 88 out of 545 children were found severely malnourished, of which 32 died within a span of a week. These children succumbed to a situation due to absence of any medical intervention though the deaths were very much preventable. No wonder, that about 49 percent of world's malnourished children live in India and more than 40 percent of Indian children are underweight whereas 45 percent have stunted growth. The situation is alarming in the country's most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, which has the highest infant mortality rate (67/1000) in the country.
Global Fund Consultation: Topic 2: Human rights
Guiding Question
What changes can the Global Fund make to its model to address barriers in the delivery of evidence-based services to most at risk and other underserved populations - in a way that protects human rights and prevents violations?
Have your say! click here
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