Coordination is the key: CCM partnerships in India

Bobby Ramakant - CNS
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund) should strengthen national partnerships on specific issues and their coordination with Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs). This is not only to optimise programme performance, but also ensure that community voices are central to health responses. India boasts of a CCM and also national partnerships on specific issues like HIV or TB. However a coordinated response between these national partnerships is lacking. According to Dr Nevin Wilson, Director of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) – South East Asia Office in New Delhi, "The level playing field is missing. We have the civil society and we have the government's national TB programme (formally called the Revised National TB Control Programme - RNTCP), [but] they cannot be equal partners. What stops the Global Fund from giving money directly to civil society?" Read more 

Published in:
Citizen News Service(CNS), India/Thailand
Wikio News, Africa 
Health, Thailand