The 10th International Congress on AIDS In Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) recently held in Busan, South Korea, clearly brought out the need to engage the key affected young population of the Asia and Pacific region in ownership and leadership of HIV responses. It would not be possible to achieve the three zeros - Zero new HIV infections, Zero discrimination and Zero AIDS related deaths - without meaningful participation of the young community.
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Commission on AIDS in Asia report improved responses locally
The Commission on AIDS in Asia report (March 2008) gave an Asian perspective to HIV epidemic and had put forth evidence-based recommendations to improve HIV responses locally. “The Commission on AIDS in Asia report had a major impact because for the first time somebody has said very clearly about Asian epidemic. Otherwise generally all epidemics in the world are put in the same bracket along with Africa and same solutions are prescribed to everybody” said Dr JVR Prasada Rao, Senior Adviser to UNAIDS Executive Director. Dr Rao gave an exclusive interview to CNS at the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP).
Faith And Religion Can Reduce AIDS-related Stigma
For thirty years now, HIV has continued to spread across all levels of our societies, killing 30 million people and infecting another 30 million. In order to realize the goal of the three zeroes - Zero New Infections, Zero AIDS Related Deaths, and Zero Discrimination and Stigma it is imperative to tackle the last one to achieve the first two. This message was brought out clearly during the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) held in Busan, Korea.
Corruption in public hospitals alarming
The National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM), Asha Parivar and Citizens for Healthy Lucknow initiative, have demanded a strong action against reported corruption and malpractices in public healthcare facilities in Lucknow. There are increasing numbers of reports of patients in government healthcare facilities being referred to private clinics for diagnostics or treatment when such facilities exist within government hospitals itself, or government doctors and other healthcare staff indulging in private practice or government healthcare staff not providing their services to people at appointed and designated duty hours.
AIDS epidemic at a critical juncture in Asia-Pacific region
Thirty years into the AIDS epidemic, and on the occasion of the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP), being held at Busan, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) released a new report on the HIV epidemic in the Asia-Pacific region. The report titled ‘HIV in Asia and the Pacific: Getting to Zero’, provides the latest regional and country-level data on the HIV epidemic and response, and offers perspectives on the situations, opportunities and challenges currently at play.
Voices from the Women's Community Forum at ICAAP
The Women's Community Forum organized in lead up to the 10th International AIDS Congress in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan, South Korea, has undoubtedly made it clear: women and girls need to be recognized not only as key affected populations but also as equal partners at all levels of HIV responses in local contexts.
Wake up call to care for widows after years of neglect
Indians are known all over for their strong faith in religion and religious gurus (leaders) and for their trust in their local community leaders. This got a stamp of approval during the polio eradication drive. Their large scale involvement in the drive proved fruitful in motivating people to get polio drops administered to their children. Now, once again these religious and community leaders are set to play a key role in the society – this time it is to bring a change in the lives of millions of widows living in India.
Stigma within healthcare facilities blocks access to services for MSM and transgender
[Audio podcast] Stigma within healthcare settings blocks access of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender populations to existing services to an alarming level. "The Asia Pacific Coalition on Male sexual health (APCOM) has been looking at this issue of stigma within healthcare settings which prevents people from accessing services and in fact kills people if nothing else. So what NFI and APCOM are doing is engaging more with the UN system, WHO, and other stakeholders to improve quality of education for the health sector, to engage in issues around health sector reforms and to improve services at grassroots level" said Shivananda Khan, Chief Executive of Naz Foundation International (NFI) and Co-Chair of Asia Pacific Coalition on Male sexual health (APCOM) at the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan, South Korea.
Decriminalize and engage MSM and transgender populations in HIV responses
[Audio podcast] Policies that criminalize same-sex behaviour and punitive laws continue to impede access to existing healthcare services for those at heightened risk of HIV such as men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender populations. The 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) is being organized in South Korea - a country where a lot more needs to be done to provide safe, supportive and dignified access to services for LGBT community. "South Korea doesn’t have a very good record regarding programming around sexual minorities and HIV. If you look at the data, one of the highest number of people dying among young LGBT people are here. There is a whole issue around shame and culture that impacts upon their lives. The government is not very responsive, and no education system exists on these issues" said Shivanand Khan, Chief Executive of Naz Foundation International and Co-Chair of Asia Pacific Coalition on Male sexual health (APCOM).
Thousands of engineering and management professionals support Anna Hazare
More than 2000 people including students and faculty members of India's noted management and engineering institutes such as Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) have formally endorsed the petition seeking support for Anna Hazare's fast against corruption by skipping one meal in the day so long as he continues with his fast.
Needs and rights of key affected women and girls in HIV programmes: Report
In the lead up to the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP), an issue-focussed and time-limited online consultation was facilitated on the issue: key affected women and girls, on SEA-AIDS by the Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (APA) and Citizen News Service (CNS) during 1-20 August 2011 [The summary report of this online consultation is online here. It will be released at the Women Community Forum of 10th ICAAP too on 25th August 2011].
Unite The Diverse Voices Of Key Affected Women and Girls

Let Your Voice Be Heard - Be The Change You Wish To See In This World
....Thus spoke Mr Myung Hwan Cho, Congress Chair of the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) which is being convened in Busan, South Korea from 26th to 30th August, 2011. ICAAP, the largest HIV/AIDS Forum in Asia Pacific Region, is a biennial gathering for the release and discussion of scientific, programmatic and policy developments in the global response to the issues of HIV/AIDS.
Stronger action warranted against smokeless tobacco and 'bidi': Report

Stronger measures should be in place to control smokeless tobacco and 'bidi' smoking as majority of tobacco use in India is in those forms, while India strengthens measures to control cigarettes. A report released in Lucknow on 16 August 2011 (download here) made a set of recommendations to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, to strengthen programmes addressing smokeless tobacco use and 'bidi' smoking in India.
IIT-IIM community in support of Anna Hazare's fast
Growing number of students and faculty members of India's noted management and engineering institutes such as Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) are supporting Anna Hazare's fast against corruption by skipping one meal in the day so long as he continues with his FAST (sign the petition here). Ramon Magsaysay Awardee Dr Sandeep Pandey who is currently teaching a course at IIT Gandhinagar has also signed this petition in support of Gandhian crusader against corruption Anna Hazare.
Justice is being delivered finally!
In a thriving democratic set up like the one that India has, access to justice for all would seem like a cake walk. More so with the Indian Constitution ensuring that there are enough legal safeguards within the system, well established edifices of justice and a very proactive judiciary. Nevertheless the challenges of a huge backlog leading to delay which in turn retards the process of timely delivery of justice are some of the cracks in the system through which the weak and disadvantaged groups fall through when it comes to seeking justice.
Have we no more real heroes and heroines?

Integration of the TB and HIV/AIDS National Programmes
Under the joint initiative of NACO (National AIDS Control Organisation) and RNTCP (Revised National TB Control Programme), the ‘National Framework for Joint HIV/TB Collaborative Activities’ was revised for strengthening HIV-TB collaborative activities across the country. The National Technical Working Group for HIV/TB — comprising key officials from NACO and the Central TB Division---ensures: 1) fast tracking of patients co-infected with HIV and TB; 2) adherence to treatment guidelines; 3) appropriate training of medical officers posted at ART centres on TB diagnosis and treatment. The intensified HIV/TB package of activities includes routine offer of HIV counseling and testing for all TB patients and linking of all the identified HIV/TB patients to CST including treatment for TB, other OI and ART.
Children of The World Unite: Raise Your Voice Against Mindless Pursuit Of Nuclear Power
[Photos] This was the message, that came out loud and clear, during a lively seminar: Lessons From Japan on ‘Nuclear Radiation Health Hazards’, held on 6th August at IMA Bhawan in Lucknow on the occasion of Hiroshima Day. It was the culmination of a month long campaign titled Lessons From Japan, which focused attention on issues around peace, nuclear disarmament and clean energy options, by holding interactive dialogues with the students of various educational institutions.
Let Us Work Together To Combat Non Communicable Diseases
The high level UN Summit on Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), due to be held in September 2011 in New York, is the second such High Level Meet (HLM) on a global health issue—the first one held 10 years ago was on HIV/AIDS. The outcome of this meeting is expected to create the political momentum to galvanize funds and commitments for prevention and treatment interventions in resource poor settings in developing countries, where morbidity and mortality due to NCDs is increasing rapidly.
Nuclear radiation health hazards are life-threatening, dangerous
[Online consultation] Topic 2: Key affected women and girls
The Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (APA), Citizen News Service (CNS) and SEA-AIDS eForum Resource Team have launched the topic 2 of online consultation in lead up to the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP). The Topic 2 is open for comments during 1-20 August 2011. GUIDING QUESTION is: What strategies would you priorities to address the needs and rights of key affected women and girls? In your response, please clarify who you consider key affected women and girls and what are the main challenges in ensuring a more enabling environment for these women and girls? Please share examples. Have your say! (send comments to
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