The SUMMARY REPORT has been released on 26th February 2012 of theme 1 online consultation on childhood tuberculosis (TB) in lead up to the World TB Day on: "Getting to zero new TB infections in children by 2015." The summary report can be downloaded or read online here.
- What can be done more (or less of) at the family, community or your country level to prevent new TB infections in children?
This e-consultation on childhood TB is being facilitated by the Citizen News Service (CNS), a partner of the Stop TB Partnership, along with the following organizations and networks that have endorsed this initiative and joined as partners:
- What can be done more (or less of) at the family, community or your country level to prevent new TB infections in children?
This e-consultation on childhood TB is being facilitated by the Citizen News Service (CNS), a partner of the Stop TB Partnership, along with the following organizations and networks that have endorsed this initiative and joined as partners:
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
Irish Forum for Global Health (IFGH)
McGill TB Research Group
Treatment Action Group
International Council of Women living with HIV (ICW) Zimbabwe
Asian Harm Reduction Network (AHRN)
TB Alert
International Treatment Preparedness Coalition-India (ITPC-India)
Global Health Strategies
Cambodian Health Committee (CHC)
L’Association de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté en abrégé (ALCP)
Positive Muslim Group, Myanmar
Life Foundation, Pakistan
The Good Neighbour Nigeria
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Medical Care Development Inputs (MCDI) Kenya
Kenya Consortium to Fight TB, Malaria and AIDS (KECOFATUMA)
Partnership for TB Care and Control, India
Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT)
National Coalition of PLHIV in India (NCPI+)
PCI India
MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child
Institut Pasteur de Madagascar
Institute for Plantation Agricultural And Rural Workers (IPARW)
Advocates for Health International
Rural Youth Advocate for Health and Development in Nigeria (RYAN)
Citizens for Healthy Lucknow (CHL) initiative
Saaksham Foundation
TEST Foundation
PREPARE Foundation
JBS Foundation
Abhinav Bharat Foundation (ABF)
Asha Parivar
National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM)
PRAYAS Health Group
Indian Society Against Smoking (ISAS)
Citizen News Service (CNS)
Irish Forum for Global Health (IFGH)
McGill TB Research Group
Treatment Action Group
International Council of Women living with HIV (ICW) Zimbabwe
Asian Harm Reduction Network (AHRN)
TB Alert
International Treatment Preparedness Coalition-India (ITPC-India)
Global Health Strategies
Cambodian Health Committee (CHC)
L’Association de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté en abrégé (ALCP)
Positive Muslim Group, Myanmar
Life Foundation, Pakistan
The Good Neighbour Nigeria
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Medical Care Development Inputs (MCDI) Kenya
Kenya Consortium to Fight TB, Malaria and AIDS (KECOFATUMA)
Partnership for TB Care and Control, India
Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT)
National Coalition of PLHIV in India (NCPI+)
PCI India
MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child
Institut Pasteur de Madagascar
Institute for Plantation Agricultural And Rural Workers (IPARW)
Advocates for Health International
Rural Youth Advocate for Health and Development in Nigeria (RYAN)
Citizens for Healthy Lucknow (CHL) initiative
Saaksham Foundation
TEST Foundation
PREPARE Foundation
JBS Foundation
Abhinav Bharat Foundation (ABF)
Asha Parivar
National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM)
PRAYAS Health Group
Indian Society Against Smoking (ISAS)
Citizen News Service (CNS)
Citizen News Service (CNS)
Email: stopTB@citizen-news.org