At the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington DC, the Regional
Inter-Agency Task Force on Children and AIDS of eastern and southern Africa
(RIATT-ESA) argued that children affected by AIDS also have rights to
essential services but HIV often threatens their access to services.
This is so because it impoverishes families and reduces the parents' ability to
care for their children as they would have wished otherwise. Children become more vulnerable to adverse HIV related impact because adults often fail to behave responsibly despite so much of investment and efforts to sensitize adults on preventing transmission, stigma, discrimination among other impacts of HIV. The response to meet the HIV related treatment, care and support needs of children is appalling and urgently require strategic interventions that cater for early childhood, pre-school age and teenage ages.
Henry Kabwe - CNS
(The author is a noted Zambian journalist and serves as the Executive Director of the Media Network on Child Rights and Development (MNCRD). He has earlier worked with The Monitor and the National Mirror in Lusaka specializing in child rights, HIV, health, environment and human rights. He has also worked as a Correspondent for the Voice of America (VOA). He is the former Chairperson of the Zambian Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa - MISA)
To this effect, RIATT-ESA has started a unique,
multi-sectoral partnership of organizations to mobilize adequate response to the care and support needs of children affected by AIDS in eastern and southern Africa. Formed in 2006 by
regional political, economic, civil society, academic, donor and UN
institutions, it works to support the UNGASS declaration of commitment to the
universal access of children to HIV prevention, care, treatment and support.
RIATT-ESA's chairperson is Noreen Huni, who is also the Executive Director of the
Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI) based in South Africa, said that RIATT-ESA is not only looking at studies and policy interventions, but
also promoting better understanding of, and approaches to, child participation
by disseminating strategic messages.
“Making decisions about how to improve children’s wellbeing
requires listening to children’s opinions and supporting their efforts to
participate,” she said. "RIATT-ESA would like to congratulate South
Sudan on its national commitments to protecting children" added Noreen.
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has
partnered with RIATT-ESA to scale up pediatric HIV, TB and malaria continuum of
care in the SADC region. It recognizes that although countries in the SADC
region are highly committed and have achieved major successes in fighting HIV,
TB and malaria, many of the achievements have primarily focused on adults.
“While HIV, TB and malaria are all entirely preventable,
thousands of children, and their families are affected by or die as a result of
these communicable diseases in the southern African region. In serving the
rights of children in the SADC region to receive equal access to quality health
services, SADC aims to contribute to efforts to meet Millennium Development
Goals 4,5 and 6 and hence, accelerate child survival in the region through
harmonization and rationalization of resources in the implementation and
attainment of health objectives in the region,” says the Secretariat.
The partnership supports the principle of full disclosure by
those infected or affected by HIV. One of the beneficiaries through one of
RIATT-ESA partners, Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information DisseminationServices (SAfAIDS), is 17 year old Limpo (not real name). "…at the hospital, I
had several tests done and I discovered that I was HIV positive. I was 15 years
old at the time. The nurses suggested that I get a CD4 count test and I found
that my CD4 was down to 20, which is very low. I started taking ARVs the way I
had been instructed (and) made a big improvement to my health. Today, I am fit
and healthy and my CD4 count is now 349. My grandmother and sister are pleased
with the progress I am making.”
Other partners in RIATT-ESA are UNICEF, Eastern AfricaNational Network of AIDS Service Organizations (EANNASO), Health Economics and HIV/AIDS
Research Division (HEARD), HelpAge International, Hope Worldwide, Human
Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and Save the
Children. The rest are Swedish International Cooperating Agency
(SIDA), UK Department for International Development (DfID) and World Vision

(The author is a noted Zambian journalist and serves as the Executive Director of the Media Network on Child Rights and Development (MNCRD). He has earlier worked with The Monitor and the National Mirror in Lusaka specializing in child rights, HIV, health, environment and human rights. He has also worked as a Correspondent for the Voice of America (VOA). He is the former Chairperson of the Zambian Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa - MISA)