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Women's groups resistance to mega free trade deal signals alarm
Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)
Governments' promise for sustainable development is questioned by the manner in which they are chasing a mega free trade agreement which in its current form, will exacerbate inequities and injustices on the ground.

Caste inequity fuels gender injustice
Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)
It is important to recognize how gender injustices underpin the caste, class and social inequities. "I did start going to school. But as I am a Dalit (untouchable), I was made to sit away from the rest of the children. If I touched some upper caste child, even by mistake, I would be thrashed by the teachers - who were all Brahmins (upper caste). Even as a child I could feel the upper caste-Dalit divide. So, I stopped going to school. I am illiterate today because of the stigma against Dalits that still exists in our society, especially in rural areas. Later in life too, when I sought to work to make ends meet, my caste came in my way. Being a Dalit, nobody was ready to employ me as a domestic help. I was fit only for the job of a sweeper", shared Geeta (35 years).
[Webinar] Are TB rates declining fast enough to meet SDGs?

Curbing cervical cancer in India
Dr Abha Jaiswal, CNS Correspondent, India
“Cervical cancer? What is that?” wondered Shreya (name changed) when the doctor informed her about her condition. Shreya did not know much about cervical cancer and her first petrifying thoughts were that her two young daughters were going to become motherless. It was January 2010 Shreya, who had just turned 40, had been suffering from irregular menstrual bleeding and severe pelvic pain for a few months.
“Cervical cancer? What is that?” wondered Shreya (name changed) when the doctor informed her about her condition. Shreya did not know much about cervical cancer and her first petrifying thoughts were that her two young daughters were going to become motherless. It was January 2010 Shreya, who had just turned 40, had been suffering from irregular menstrual bleeding and severe pelvic pain for a few months.
Generate stronger action to fight non-communicable diseases
Dr PS Sarma, CNS Correspondent, India
By endorsing Agenda 2030, governments around the world have committed to fight against NCDs which are responsible for nearly 70% of the premature deaths globally. One of the important targets of Agenda 2030 is to reduce these deaths by 33% by 2030, and all governments have to work towards achieving this goal. In a webinar organised by Citizen News Service (CNS), experts like Dr Ehsan Latif, Senior Advisor (NCDs), International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union) and Cristina Parsons Perez,
Capacity Development Director, NCD Alliance not only gave an overview
of the present scenario of NCDs, but also detailed the corrective
measures needed to stem the rising tide of these killer diseases.

Stronger action needed to stem the rising tide of diabetes
Dr Nachiket Sule, CNS Correspondent, India
Hemant (name changed) was diagnosed with diabetes in his early forties. Although, he had very few symptoms, the denial that it was diabetes was quite strong. Coming from an urban set-up he was able to diagnose the condition early on and triage it from other doctors as well. However, he admits that he was reluctant to take medicines for the rest of his life and neither did he want to live with restrictions that diabetes brings with it.
Hemant (name changed) was diagnosed with diabetes in his early forties. Although, he had very few symptoms, the denial that it was diabetes was quite strong. Coming from an urban set-up he was able to diagnose the condition early on and triage it from other doctors as well. However, he admits that he was reluctant to take medicines for the rest of his life and neither did he want to live with restrictions that diabetes brings with it.
Time to scale up management of NCDs in Zimbabwe
Locadia Mavhudzi, CNS Correspondent, Zimbabwe
Like many other developing countries, Zimbabwe too is faced by the triple burden of communicable, re-emerging and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). World Health Organization statistics show that an estimated 31% of deaths in Zimbabwe in 2014 were a result of NCDs. However the response and management of these emerging killers remain relatively low and it is time to take urgent action. The rapid rise of NCDs represents one of the major health challenges to sustainable development.

NCDs: The dormant killers lurking within
Nothando Fruhwirth, CNS Correspondent, Swaziland
Luis (name changed) was suddenly beset with a constant pain in his chest and weakness, that made it impossible for him to work or function in the day. This onset of illness was a shock to him as he had been duly undergoing his regular medical check ups and had been given the clean bill of health. The routine stipulated HIV test, amongst other tests, was conducted to ensure that like so many others he was not infected with the virus. HIV is identified as the root cause of deaths amongst individuals— young and old. Due to public and media outcry within communities, there is global awareness about HIV, encouraging nations to come together to battle the deadly virus.
Luis (name changed) was suddenly beset with a constant pain in his chest and weakness, that made it impossible for him to work or function in the day. This onset of illness was a shock to him as he had been duly undergoing his regular medical check ups and had been given the clean bill of health. The routine stipulated HIV test, amongst other tests, was conducted to ensure that like so many others he was not infected with the virus. HIV is identified as the root cause of deaths amongst individuals— young and old. Due to public and media outcry within communities, there is global awareness about HIV, encouraging nations to come together to battle the deadly virus.
Domestic violence survivor faced challenges headlong and reclaimed her power back
Shobha Shukla, Citizen News Service - CNS
“Earlier my husband would taunt me for not conceiving and said that I was barren. Then he became angry when I gave birth to a daughter. He warned me that if I ever produced a girl again, he would kill me. My in-laws would instigate him and he would thrash me. Father and son both used very abusive language and had no respect for women. The whole family is evil. When the roots are weak, how can the tree be healthy?” said Devanta.
“Earlier my husband would taunt me for not conceiving and said that I was barren. Then he became angry when I gave birth to a daughter. He warned me that if I ever produced a girl again, he would kill me. My in-laws would instigate him and he would thrash me. Father and son both used very abusive language and had no respect for women. The whole family is evil. When the roots are weak, how can the tree be healthy?” said Devanta.
Will a feminist fossil-fuel-free future lead us to sustainable development?
Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)
The inter-governmental meeting of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development is being held during 10-19 July 2017, to review the progress made by nations around some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which governments have already committed to achieve by 2030. As we all know, climate justice is integral to sustainable development, yet we see governments pursuing development models that are actually pushing us backwards not only on climate justice but also on sustainable development.
The inter-governmental meeting of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development is being held during 10-19 July 2017, to review the progress made by nations around some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which governments have already committed to achieve by 2030. As we all know, climate justice is integral to sustainable development, yet we see governments pursuing development models that are actually pushing us backwards not only on climate justice but also on sustainable development.
Time is running out in the battle against NCDs
Dr Amitava Acharyya, CNS Correspondent, India
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for 68% of global deaths and are projected to cause 75% of global deaths by 2030. Nearly 80% of these NCD related deaths occur in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Also, two thirds of NCD deaths are related to cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases. According to a WHO report, premature NCD mortality rates decreased globally by 15% between 2000 and 2012, mainly due to the decline in CVD deaths.

Non-communicable diseases: Are all hands on deck?
Alice Sagwidza Tembe, CNS Correspondent, Swaziland
What has been known by a significant number of people is that there are some diseases one gets through contact with another person who has them (communicable diseases), and some diseases are not passed on through contact (non communicable diseases or NCDs). When epidemics like TB, Ebola, and HIV surfaced, it was a war like situation for which the world armoured itself with knowledge through research and clinical studies.
What has been known by a significant number of people is that there are some diseases one gets through contact with another person who has them (communicable diseases), and some diseases are not passed on through contact (non communicable diseases or NCDs). When epidemics like TB, Ebola, and HIV surfaced, it was a war like situation for which the world armoured itself with knowledge through research and clinical studies.
Overcoming premature deaths from non communicable diseases
Francis Okoye, CNS Correspondent, Nigeria
Health experts from the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and NCD Alliance, and a cancer survivor who is also Founder President of Race to Rein in Cancer took part in a lively webinar, organised by Citizens News Service (CNS) on the topic ‘How can we generate stronger action against Non-Communicable Diseases?’

[SDM Health Justice Lecture Series] Engaging health and non-health sectors to increase access to child-friendly TB medicines in Kenya

Reversal of the tide of NCDs requires a strategy shift
Roger Paul Kamugasha, CNS Correspondent
Of the 56.4 million global deaths in 2015, 39.5 million, or 70%, were due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The four main NCDs are cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic lung diseases. The burden of these diseases is rising disproportionately among lower income countries and populations.
Of the 56.4 million global deaths in 2015, 39.5 million, or 70%, were due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The four main NCDs are cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic lung diseases. The burden of these diseases is rising disproportionately among lower income countries and populations.
Cervical Cancer: A manageable threat
Josephine Chinele, CNS Correspondent, Malawi
The vaginal discharges became too much to bear and Maria (name changed) went to a nearby health facility to seek medical assistance. She has had these discharges for a long time but thought they were normal as they were not painful, and she was simply irritated by them. The medical assistant said that she had a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Maria was given treatment, and advised to ask her husband to also receive treatment.
The vaginal discharges became too much to bear and Maria (name changed) went to a nearby health facility to seek medical assistance. She has had these discharges for a long time but thought they were normal as they were not painful, and she was simply irritated by them. The medical assistant said that she had a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Maria was given treatment, and advised to ask her husband to also receive treatment.
Communicate with each other to beat the non-communicable diseases
Shobha Shukla, Citizen News Service - CNS
[Watch webinar recording] [Listen or download the podcast]
According to the Global Status Report on NCDs, India shares more than two-thirds of the total death burden due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the southeast Asia region of the World Health Organization. Around 5.87 million (58.7 lakh) deaths, which is 60% of all deaths in India, are attributed to NCDs.
[Watch webinar recording] [Listen or download the podcast]
Justice delayed is justice denied, says domestic violence survivor
Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)

Belia (45 years), comes from a poor Dalit (marginalised community) family of Uchiyapur village in Chitrakoot, India. Daughter of a farm labourer and the only sister of 4 brothers, Belia was married at the tender age of 15 to a school teacher. From day one, her husband misbehaved with her and abused her physically, more so because she was too timid to protest.
Belia (45 years), comes from a poor Dalit (marginalised community) family of Uchiyapur village in Chitrakoot, India. Daughter of a farm labourer and the only sister of 4 brothers, Belia was married at the tender age of 15 to a school teacher. From day one, her husband misbehaved with her and abused her physically, more so because she was too timid to protest.
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