AIDS 2024 Affiliated Independent Event (4th July): Find all people with TB & HIV, treat all of them, save lives & stop the spread of both

On 4th July, this AIDS 2024 Affiliated Independent Event is on the theme: "Find all people with TB and HIV, treat all of them and prevent any further transmission of both in people-centred ways."

Organised jointly by
AVAC, UNAIDS Asia Pacific, International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW), Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP Plus), Y+ Global, Y-PEER Asia Pacific, Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA – official secretariat of International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa - ICASA), APCOM, Zimbabwe National Network of People living with HIV (ZNNP+), Prevention Access Campaign, National Coalition of People living with HIV in India (NCPI Plus), AIDS Society of India (ASI), Ivorian Network of People living with HIV (RIP+ in Cote d'Ivoire), Cheyutha, Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS (BONELA), National Empowerment Network of People living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK), MPLUS Foundation Thailand, Americas TB Coalition, TB People (Global), TB People (Nepal), TB People (Zimbabwe), TB People (India), TB People (Botswana), Humana People to People India, Rekat Peduli Foundation Indonesia, Pahal Foundation, People’s Health Organisation (PHO), Health TV Online Nepal, Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Health and Development (APCAT), Asia Pacific Media Alliance for Health and Development (APCAT Media), Union South East Asia Trust (USEA Trust), Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA), and CNS

Even one TB or AIDS death is a death too many. We have the tools to find all TB and HIV, treat all of them with effective medicines, and prevent any further transmission of both of them (TB and HIV).

Despite progress in the fight against TB and AIDS, we must recognise that we are failing too. Every person who newly gets infected with TB or HIV is a missed opportunity to do better in stopping the spread of infection. Every person who is not aware of her/his/their TB or HIV status is another missed opportunity to do better in finding all people in people-centred, rights-based and gender transformative manner, and link them to care pathway. Every TB or AIDS death is a grim reminder of our collective failure to avert it.

Globally in 2022:
(Source: WHO Global TB Report 2023 and UNAIDS)
  • 10.6 million people suffered from TB disease. 
    • Why?
  • 1.3 million people were newly infected with HIV.
    • Why?
  • 1.3 million people died of TB.
    • Why?
  • 630,000 people died of AIDS-related illness.
    • Why?
  • 167,000 people died of TB, among those who were co-infected with HIV.
    • Why?

Call for 100-100-100

If we are to end AIDS, we have to ensure that along with 100-100-100 (100% of people with HIV knows their status, 100% of people with HIV are on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy, and 100% of them are virally suppressed), we also have to ensure that no one suffers or dies of TB.

We must ensure that 100% people with HIV know their TB status (on an ongoing basis), 100% of those with active TB disease are treated with medicines that work on them, and 100% of them are using a full range of appropriate combination prevention options to stop further spread of TB and HIV infections.

Also, 100% of those people with HIV who do not have active TB disease, must be offered TB preventive therapy (to reduce the risk of latent TB to convert into active disease).

Treatment is also prevention (in case of both TB and HIV) as it stops the spread of infection soon after initiation of treatment (if medicines are effective).

Additionally we must advance stronger action towards #endHunger, #endTobacco, #endAlcohol, #preventDiabetes, #NCDs, and other risk factors associated with TB.

Zero catastrophic cost, Zero HIV and TB stigma and discrimination must be a reality for all.

Draft agenda


CNS and all partners