SHE & Rights | Beijing+30 | No more waiting, deliver on the Beijing Declaration now


The fifth session of SHE & Rights (Sexual Health with Equity & Rights) will be organised on the theme: "Beijing+30 | No more waiting, deliver on the Beijing Declaration now" in lead up to the upcoming 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) and International Women's Day.

With only 70 months left to end AIDS why is the urgency missing?

[watch the video] The global AIDS response is not only off-the-target but also slipping by leaps and bounds in some countries and for some communities.

Urgent and accelerated HIV service delivery with equity and rights is critical to end AIDS

[हिंदी] No one needs to get newly infected with HIV or die of AIDS-related illnesses because we have scientific evidence-based tools and proven approaches to prevent any further spread of infection or avert any untimely death due to AIDS. But despite this, over 1.3 million new people were diagnosed with HIV and 630,000 died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2023 globally.

[video] Gendered response to #endAIDS is key

[video] Urgent and accelerated HIV service delivery is key to #endAIDS

SDGs warrant breakthroughs not breakdowns in development financing

[हिंदी] Decisions of US President Trump have precipitated a funding crisis in  many low- and middle-income countries for health and development programmes, including lifesaving medicines and disease prevention and surveillance initiatives. But development financing was not in a good spot even before Trump’s election as US President for another term.

Right wing policies threaten gender equality and health security

Young people call for all sexual and reproductive health services including safe abortion rights 

Donald Trump’s presidency is likely to have far-reaching consequences for sexual and reproductive health, bodily autonomy and human rights worldwide. He has already withdrawn USA’s financial support to the UN health agency World Health Organization (WHO), and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will no longer share its invaluable expertise with the WHO. Also all ongoing (as well as future) projects funded by US Agency for International Development (USAID) have been put on immediate hold. Many of these are lifesaving health programmes, including those directly related to sexual and reproductive health services.

Nepal leads the world with largest pictorial health warnings on all tobacco products

Pictorial health warnings on all tobacco products are a proven and cost-effective way to prevent tobacco use among children and young people, encourage tobacco users to quit and increase awareness of deadly diseases caused by tobacco. That is why size and pictorial graphics matter because pictures say a thousand words. Nepal government decided this week to go for the largest pictorial health warnings globally on all tobacco products (100% on the front and 100% on the back packaging).

A world without leprosy is a public health and human rights imperative

Leprosy (also known as Hansen’s disease), once feared as an incurable disease, is now treatable with modern medicine. When diagnosed early and accurately, and treated early with right medicines, it is not disabling too. But leprosy-related stigma and discrimination continues to cause havoc in lives of people affected with leprosy and blocks access to care even today.